The terror of Your Mother

One beautiful day, I was walking down the street. The sun was shining and I was laughting with glee, happy that I was free. But then, an enormous shadow has been cast, consuming the whole place. I looked who was the owner of the gigantic shadow, but immidatielly screamed the biggest scream I had ever screamed in my life.
Standing before me was this colossal monstrosity. I could see the billions of folds of fat which were decorated by disquisting warts. The stubs at the sides of the monster's body were supposedly the arms. I could see the tiny fingers, of which each had one disquisting nail at the tip. However, thanks to the numerous folds of flat I couldn't see it's legs, so I looked above, to see the giant's face, which I had to regret, because throwed up.
At the top of some more disquisting folds of fat was the head. The first thing I noticed was the enormous fat fold hanging from the giant's cheeks, which has been decorated with hairy moles, warts and zits. Between the two sacks of fat was the mouth, open wide just for me to see the rotten, green and black teeth. Under it was a clef chin, from which hanged some long hairs. Above the mouth was a giant nose red in color, resembling one of a witch. From the nostrils were streaming boogers, right into the mouth. But boogers weren't the only thing hidden it the nose, there were also two long streams of nosehair, covered in more boogers.
I was searching for the eyes, but only saw some tiny white blobs inside two big holes. Decorating these was a big, bushy unibrow.
" Oh no," I stated, "The prophecy was true after all!".
I knew who this was. You probably do too considering the title. But if you are such an idiot as your mother, I will tell you, it's

your mother

I knew what I had to do, your mother was the most stupid person in the whole wide world after all.
"Hey you stupid bitch!" I shouted with all the voice I had left after the scream.
"What did you say?!" Came for the reply.
I had angered her.
This was a bad idea.
She began eating the houses. She ate cars, people... She ate everything.
The army came and tried to eliminate her, but they got eaten too.
Each day she grew in size.
When she was big enought, she ate planet Earth.
Then she died because of the lack of oxygen.
I hope you do too.